Ginary craved to be a Futile Struggles model. I like to run new gals throughout that a assay shoot. They usually end up hogtied, but in the process, I subject em to spanking, manhandling, a small in number various kinds of gags, and maybe some squeezes. Ginary waits patiently, but nervously on her knees with her arms behind her back as I prepare. The 1st thing I do is get her wrists strapped behindhand her back. I have a longer length than I need right instantly. I kind of wrap the excess around her wrists to keep it out of the way. I have plans for it later. I grab Ginary by her hair and start groping her tits with my another hand. I tie a rope around her neck. I use it to pull her to her feet formerly I tie it off overhead. I instantly commence groping and slapping Ginary’s tits, ass, and thighs. I rip open her blouse and raise her skirt, exposing her white cotton panties. I rip her panties off and as I bring them up to her face, Ginary voluntarily just opens her mouth. I like her already! I go on manhandling Ginary for a while before I begin roping her up. As normal, I wind some cord around her waist and then tightly between her legs. I begin at her upper thighs and begin working my way down. Lots of tightly cinched bands of string when I’m done. Ginary has a good ass, but it looked extra fine after the string was applied. I turn her around and spend a little time smacking and squeezing it. At the end of the clip, I untie her neckrope from above and then I aid her into a chair. This is where Scene 1 ends.
Format: Wm
Duration: 25:14
Video: 1280×720, Windows media Movie 9, 5956kbps
Audio: 187kbps