As I was prancing around in my thigh highs, stern skirt and high heels I was trying to obtain some wretched attention. Begging my guy to be scampish, I didn’t have to beg very maximum as that chub grabbed the cord and instantly had my hands fastened behindhand my back. Followed by a tight crotch rope this xxxx my skirt to ride up and reveal a little greater amount than I was expecting. As I was talking back and taunting him that guy decided it finest to unite the ball gag. As I essayed to struggle the string felt like it kept getting tighter and tighter around my wrists. With not much grace I was thrown onto the coffee table face down. The drool streaming out of my month was creating a puddle. My hair kept acquiring stuck in it. My guy at last crossed my ankles and chained the rope around em and banded jointly it up to the top of my gag. It was extremely uncomfortable. With the rope around my upper arms my hands were wholly numb. My taunting paid off!
Format: mp4
Duration: 4:02
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 4880kbps
Audio: 309kbps