Amanda watches wide eyed as I gather greater amount supplies. I cleave gag her with some microfoam tape, before I bound up her hair to the post. Her bondage is made greater amount fierce with greater amount cords cinching everything tighter. Her gag is also made greater amount severe as black tape tightens it and is wrapped around the post. Except for her fingers and toes, girl is absolutely immobilized… I guess hottie can still blink her eyes likewise. Some harsh duty clips on her nipples complete Amanda’s bondage. I sit back and have amusement the fruits of my labor as Amanda suffers her bondage and gag. After a while, I release her from the bench. With her hands and tits still strapped I put her on her knees. I cut off her panties and shove them in her throat formerly leaving her again. The clip ends in a short time.
Format: Windows media
Duration: 24:57
Video: 1280×720, Wm Movie 9 Advanced Profile, 5956kbps
Audio: 187kbps