My husband needs a spanking. It is for his own outstanding. I take him from corner time and pull down his tight white undies. His purity is underneath. I unlock it. His erection is massive. I hitch up my leather skirt and take him over my knee. I then begin the spanking with 1 hundred barehanded strokes to his backside. Fellow is barely warm, but I don’t care. I make him hand me a massive wooden paddle. One hundred strokes with the paddle. I made my husband select the next implement and the spanking continues.
My bridegroom still does not seem to understand this everything I do is for his own outstanding. Buddy thinks that everything is about punishment. Lad apologizes. I have no idea what guy is even referring to. I am calm. Gink is emotional. I am just only trying to instruct him to keep his composure. Lad simply needs to learn discipline and self-control. For his own excellent, I will make him become more like me.
I stroke my husband’s penis to give him intermittent reinforcement. I stroke him while I hit him. I know that whenever gink acts out it is just only because that chub desires attention. I have my bridegroom location his penis directly between my thighs. Immediately dude is trapped. I tell him to bang my stockings while I beat him. I am being very indulgent.
I list all the things I have done for my husband. I have been exceptionally generous. Chap was let out of purity and stroked. Gink was edged and his erection was placed between my thighs. I admitted him to fucking my silk stockings. I’m tired of everything always being about him! Now I want things to be ’bout me.
I tell my husband to stand and bring me a long implement. I go after my husband with a stoic face and long strict implements. I am calm and silent. I sexualize all his suffering. Any weep is delicious to me. The cane strokes are harsh. “This is not for your own good,” I told him. “This is for my fun.” My hubby becomes calm in the end.
Format: mp4
Duration: 32:24
Video: 1920×1080, AVC (H.264), 20747kbps
Audio: 148kbps