This clip begins where Part 1 ended… I stand Brenda up and back her up to the huge table with a 4×4 post poking throughout that the middle. I bind her hair up high on the post stern, forcing her to bend backwards. I turn her around which reduces her stress but It’s merely so I can smack her ass. Babe doesn’t seem happy about this at all. I turn her back around and restrain her legs out to the table legs. When gal spreads her legs, it tightens up her hair cord a little bit more. I add a crotch string and tighten it with the overhead hoist. I then fix a cord around her neck and the post, which limits her mobility even further. I remove her gag to watch what babe has to say. I desire to know where maid has my cash hidden or I crave access to an account with my money in it. I don’t get the answers I crave so I slap her thighs a few more times before clamping her nipps with clover grips. Doll is genuinely struggling as gal undergo the grips on her tied tits. You can tell by the way her breathing changes. To make it worse, I bind some twine to em, pull em constricting, and restrain em to her crotchrope. It’s not long formerly a few tears are streaming down her face. I believe I’ll be acquiring my cash back formerly to long. I’m going to give her more time to think about it though. I gag her with a massive ball of string and then tape it in, going around the post likewise. Brenda immediately has to undergo a very stressful position. Damsel is bent backwards over the brink of the table. An strictly stern crotchrope forces her hips out and forward, while at the same time she’s being pulled up and back by her hair. A rope links her neck to the post and the tape sealing in her gag is also around the post. Her bound tits are clamped as well! I leave her for just a short while. When I return, I remove the grips. Doll yells and shrieks, tho’ er gag muffles em quite nicely. I then have some amusement slapping her tits and thighs with a long thin wooden paddle. I’m positive I’ll be getting my answer very shortly after! Brenda is clearly in distress, but I wish her to know this it can still obtain worse in case girl has every thoughts ’bout giving me false info. I remove her shoes, forcing her to stand on her tippy toes. New tears start flowing as chick suffers her anguished predicament. I know I’ve broken her so I release her from the post, but I keep her arms strapped behindhand her back and put her on her knees. The clip ends shortly after.
Format: Wm
Duration: 22:55
Video: 1280×720, Windows media Film 9, 5956kbps
Audio: 187kbps