Kimberly has been late to the office nearly every day this week and to top it off, female pissed off a very valuable client today. I still may fire her, but for now I’m going to administer an attitude adjustment. The clip starts with me leading an already restrained and ballgagged Kimberly back to the storage area. I poke her over an old bed and smack her ass formerly grabbing greater amount cord. I bound up her legs around her upper and lower thighs, likewise as her calves and ankles. After her legs are fully and vigorously bound, I lift her up onto the bed and smack her ass greater amount. I sit back and see her struggle for a while, before I return with more rope. I use the rope to put Kimberly into a tight hogtie. I sit back once one greater amount time to see her struggle… Kimberly is left on the bed to struggle in her hogtie for a bit, but she’s trying to untie a knot, and we can’t have this. I grab some twine and use it to restrain her thumbs back. Next I roll her on her side and cut open her soft sweater and pull her tits out of her bra. I think about clamping em, but we’ll wait for instantly. The last 2 to 3 min is Kimberly struggling in her hogtie.
Format: mp4
Duration: 16:43
Video: 720×480, AVC (H.264), 2907kbps
Audio: 125kbps