Johnny hasn’t been home a lot lately. I obtain a little bit bored working at home alone without him. So, I figured if I will be sitting around without any Johnny interaction, I will just have to create some. On this particular day, I am wearing a gold satin blouse, coordinated with plaid skirt (there may be a little bit of purple in the plaid-just sayin), garter belt, stockings and golden high heels. I take my trusty desk chair to the living room and continues to video myself in front of the faux fireplace. I put on leather cuffs and tie my legs jointly at the ankles and knees with cord once I am seated. Then I pop a drool priceless red ball gag in my face hole and attach my leather cuff clad wrists to some sports cuffs on the arms of the armchair. I proceed to struggle (as u do when you are fixed to a chair) and thoroughly enjoy my self imposed bondage. Who said you need a "bad guy", a director or a sharer for a little secretary performance?
Format: mp4
Duration: 7:28
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 5858kbps
Audio: 153kbps