Safa likes being fastened up. Hottie sits on a stool as I ask her a scarcely any questions about herself, as I acquire things setup for her bondage today. I’m soon behind her as I assist her to her feet. I now have her put her wrists behind her back and I start to bind her. I go on binding her. Safa loves that scene, and you can tell by the look on her face this female likes the process of being restrained vigorously. After I have her arms "Box Tied", I decide to have a little entertainment myself. I grab her by her hair with one hand and grope her gigantic firm tits with my one greater amount hand. Safa clearly likes being manhandled also. I spin her around and smack her ass for a while. Damsel yelps as the ass slaps are administered, but is loving every minute of it. After a while, I sit her back down and I fix a cord into her hair. That is where Part 1 ends.
Format: Wm
Duration: 14:58
Video: 1280×720, Windows media Film 9, 5956kbps
Audio: 187kbps