Sandra Silvers and I Guest gallery BDSM

I always have a blast when I obtain unitedly with Sandra Silvers. On this particular day, I had an even greater time, because we made out while in quite the predicament. We are both wearing vintage shapewear, stockings and heels as our Gordian knot unfolds. With me suspended with a bar and leather straps, arms behindhand my back…and Sandra hogtied on the ground on her knees with leather straps, the games were prepared to begin. We share "Spidergirl" kisses as I twist and turn from above, trying not to twirl too much far from my girlfriend’s lips! We could have kept at it all day, but somebody had to take us down and do 1 more things with us!

Format: mp4
Duration: 5:08
Video: 1440×1080, AVC (H.264), 2798kbps
Audio: 309kbps

Sandra Silvers and I Guest gallery BDSM Sandra Silvers and I Guest gallery BDSM
Sandra Silvers and I Guest gallery BDSM Sandra Silvers and I Guest gallery BDSM

Sandra Silvers and I Guest gallery BDSM
File size: 117.1 MB

Sandra Silvers and I Guest gallery BDSM

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